Saturday, May 23, 2009

We're Still Here

Hey there Otters.

I am writing to tell all of you how sorry I am for being a little absent from our sites. As many of you know who see me on facebook and Twitter, I have been spending time in my new part-time home in Newark, New Jersey so I have been a little hard to track down.

I heard that there are rumors that we are closing down and stuff like that, but it's not true. In fact just the opposite. Charlie and I have been talking daily trying to work out our new sexy underwear. We are also working on our new tee shirt designs and of course, more jewelry. I have been spending a lot of time on my Jock Soap line developing more products and too be honest that has taking a lot of time and energy. We have 11 new Jock Soap products coming out over the next few months. It's so exciting.

So I have been traveling and Charlie has been traveling also filming new episodes of Bump. And this coming week he's coming to Atlanta for the Out on Film Festival where they will be doing a screening of our film Mulligans. If you are in Atlanta, come by and see us at Outwrite on May 30th at 1pm where Charlie will be signing copies of the book based on Mulligans. The film will be shown at the Plaza Theater on Ponce de Leon at 7:30 that night.

BTW- if you missed my interview on Sirius Out Q's Derek and Romaine show May 12th, you can listen to it in the "Press" section on I love going up to New York and hanging with Derek, Romaine, Greg and Sam. They are such big supporters of Otter, that it is a love fest and I love it.

Anyway, I appreciate your patience as we go through our growing pains. Just know that we are not going anywhere. And we are really working hard to bring you new products this year on all levels.

On a side note, I have to say that all the facebook stuff with the Otters is so much fun. While I was up north these past few weeks I kept pulling out my iphone and showing all the photos from the Otters around the world. Every time I see new pics I just get a big smile across my face. Apparently Amadeus Otter has had some air time on these new episodes of Bump Charlie has been filming!

If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at or on twitter I am joshuaharrell. We all appreciate your support and we are sorry if our absence made you curious.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Otterly Yours,


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Charlie David's Mulligans Now Available on DVD

We've been talking about it for years...

Get your copy of Charlie David's Mulligans DVD featuring Otter from Wolfe Video

Mulligans has now been invited to well over 50 international film film festivals. We’re proud to have Otter Fashion prominently featured in this award winning film. Order your copy now and see how many Otter shirts you can spot!

“Set amid the casual, polite homophobia of the upper middle class, Mulligans is a fresh and multi-layered take on the coming-out genre. With grace and sensitivity, director Chip Hale shows that a confession of queerness doesn’t hav eto end relationships, even if it changes things forever.” Philadelphia Film Society

“So much more than a coming-out film, first time screenwriter Charlie David tells a compelling story about betrayal and second chances in Mulligans.” Reel Out Film Festival Chicago

“In golf, a mulligan is a chance to take a shot over again. In Mulligans, no second shot is needed. The movie gets it right the first time.” Honolulu Rainbow Film Festival

“Sparkling dialogue, a fast pace and lots of screen time for the ridiculously gorgeous cast keep this indie compelling throughout.” TLA Releasing

“**** Four Stars!” MetroWeekly

“Sweet, smart, funny and deep – Mulligans is more than a poignant family drama; more than a coming out movie.” Inside Out Film Festival – Toronto

“Delightful, thought-provoking and truthful look at coming out, being who you are and ultimately, acceptance.” Vancouver Online

“Strong Performances.” Cinequeer

“Canada is a great location for the film, the scenery is breathtaking, the golfing town and the lake house where the scenes take place is just beautiful.
But this movie is all about the actors – Charlie David is perfect as the young confident gay guy, Dan Payne is believable as the father struggling with his sexuality, but it is Queer As Folk’s Thea Gill who finally gets a chance to display her acting range with her heartwrenching performance as Stacey.” Inside Out Australia

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Who is Tommy?

How's life treating you? I hope it's all going well. I'm staying busy and now that the weather in Atlanta is turning more spring-like, I now have the super-terrific task of mowing the lawn. At least I use it as an opportunity to model my Otter. I mowed the lawn today in Betty and worked out in Macho. I was represent'n.

Anyway, I digress as always. After last week when the new Vitruvian Rocker Ringer Tee came out, I have been getting lots of emails based on a side note I included in the description.

"Thanks for suggesting we do it in a ringer tee Tommy!"

Everyone has asked who is Tommy and why did we use his suggestion. Well first off, it was a great suggestion because I love it. And the way you guys have been ordering it, you must love it too.

Secondly, Tommy is ,my bf, Mike's brother.

Mike created the original Vitruvian Rocker, after he went with me to an interview I did in London with Beige magazine back when I was promoting my last cd. The interview took place in a little cafe just off the theater district. It was less like a cafe and more like a posh lounge. I felt like quite the superstar. Martin, the interviewer, was so nice and such an easy person to talk to. And I was talking all over the place. I had a hard time staying focused on the music when I had a bunch of new stuff going on with Otter and then I was working on Jock was insane. I felt bad for him.

Well through the course of the interview, Martin said I was like the vitruvian man. I don't mean to be ignorant, but I had no idea what he was talking about. My mom taught me in those situations to just smile and nod. So I did. He smiled when he said it, so I figured he wasn't calling me a slut or something like that.

Anyway, we went to our home-away-from-home , a little hotel in Kensington just across the street from Kensington Palace for you Princess Diana fans. The hotel room barely had enough room for the bed and three channels on the TV. It was horrible. But there in the midst of our closet, Mike pulled out and looked up what a vitruvian man was. It was "the perfect man". Wow! You could have slapped me silly and it wouldn't have phased me. That was such a compliment. (I have to say just before he looked it up, I was slapping acne cream on my face and flossing sesame seeds out of my teeth, while sitting on the commode. A far cry from the perfect man, but nonetheless I'll take it.)

So Mike started playing with Leonardo's original design and rocked it out a bit with the guitar. I'm sure someone thought to do it before, but it is a very special design to me because he made it based on that day we experienced together. Like a scrap book. I also love the fact that he worked in the word OTTER into the text underneath the rocker. It's kind of hidden, but you'll see it if you look.

Mike has been very proud at how successful the Vitruvian Rocker tee has been. He wears it all the time and he always points out the fact that it is his design.

This Christmas his brother, Tommy, cornered me on the patio at his parents house and told me all about ringer tees and how they are the new thing and everybody is wearing them. So I should make the Vitruvian in a ringer tee. It was like a bad after school special and he was playing the bully. But he wore me down and I must say I very pleased with the result.

So in a big fat nut shell, that is the story of the Vitruvian Rocker and the Ringer Tee. I hope when you wear it, you totally rock it.

Until the next time...

Otterly Yours,


Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Legendary Lovers

I bet this blog title got your attention. It has had mine ever since Charlie and I began talking about creating new pieces for the Otter jewelry collection and basing them around classic gay lovers from the past. I mean we all know about Romeo & Juliet, Samson & Delilah, Captain Smith & Pocahontas and Captain & Tenille, but I will be the first to say Michelangelo and Tommaso De'Cavalieri???I had no clue.

It's time to give some attention to the gay Legendary Lovers of our past. And I have to say if it weren't for Charlie being so knowledgeable on the subject, I wouldn't have known any of them. Well I did know about Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas, but who didn't?

The first pieces in the collection are 13 masculine leather cuffs (#13 is "Kissing Otters" that's why it's an odd number). We named each piece after some of the famous significant others of the past to commemorate them and help bring their stories to life. They compliment each other, but they are not identical - just like any good couple. Hopefully you will be inspired to have your own Legendary Love!

There are more pieces to come including rings and bracelets so be on the look out for more.

As always, thank you for all your support. I truly means a lot to all of us at Otter.

Otterly Yours,


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Our New Tees Have Come In

Hello Otters,

It’s finally here! Our new fall tee shirts have arrived and I am truly excited about this collection as it represents several ideas that have been running through my head for months. I wanted to give you the story behind the designs so you can get an idea of what I was thinking about. Maybe add it to the story you tell when someone says, “Hey, cool shirt!” (I hope I am not the only one who tells a story every time I get a compliment. ;-)

Koi and Dragon Tees

In 2002, I lived in San Francisco in a cute apartment on Nob Hill. The apartment wasn’t on the top of Nob Hill, but just down a block from Grace Cathedral if you know the area at all. I hated it at the time. But I was in relationship hell and my work life was on a slippery slide to Crapville.

Anyway, my apartment was just up the street from Chinatown and it was so cool to walk the streets during the day. If you get past the tourist area, you find a completely different world within the decorated gates of this section of town. Many weekends I would walk for hours from my apartment through Chinatown and down to the waterfront. I was thrilled anytime I could peer into the community centers to see what was going on and every weekend there was always something going on.

One day I watched this kid drawing tattoo-like images of koi and dragons and I just really fell in love with his imagery. So I wanted to create my own versions of these designs. Now everyone is doing tattoo tees, but I hope you can appreciate the colors and the softness of my designs.

I looked up the significance of the Dragon and Koi in Chinese culture and here is what I found:

Dragons- Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture. So much so that the Chinese often consider themselves descendants of dragons according to It even went on to say that the Chinese Emperors think that they are real dragons. They sleep on dragon beds, wear dragon robes and sit on dragon thrones.

Koi- A.K.A. the Chinese carp, has several symbolic values within Chinese culture. It is a symbol of strength and perseverance. The scales and whiskers of the koi even resemble that of a dragon making it another powerful symbol.

Otter Tramp Stamp Tee

I have to give credit to Mike for this design. He hears me talk about so many ideas and most of the time he rolls his eyes, but one day he said, “Make a t-shirt with a tramp stamp on the lower back and make it look like a tattoo, but actually call out ‘tramp stamp’ within the design.” The he giggled to himself so I knew I had to explore this idea.

Now I do consider myself naïve a bit because I did not know what a tramp stamp was. And sure enough we both have one. If you were like me and didn’t know, a tramp stamp is a tattoo placed above your butt on your lower back. Mine of course, is an Ohm symbol waking the great Kundalindi that rests at the base of your spine. His is a tribal design with the two Greek drama faces because he is an actor. I don’t think either one is very trampy, but I will say this- I took my little cousin to get a tattoo and they definitely stamped her before she went to Panama City for spring break to get “BUCK WILD”. It’s a pretty tattoo, but I am sure the only time it sees the light of day is when she is own the prowl. Come to think of it…never mind. I won’t go there.

Disco Sex Goddess

So many people have asked me why I call my underwear line, Disco Sex and I have to say that the whole Disco Sex idea comes from a long time ago when I was much younger. I feel so old saying this, but it does seem like such a long time ago. When I was 19, I was never a drinker because it just wasn’t around so night clubs seemed like a waste of time. They weren’t something I was dying to get into. But one night a couple of friends of mine, Charles and Bobette, took me out on the town and snuck me into a few bars and then to a big club called Backstreet.

Those were the days of Real McCoy and “Runaway” and “Another Night” and even Gloria Estefan with a remake of “Turn the Beat Around”. OMG! I was in heaven. Charles pushed us up on the stage and we performed like we were hanging with Downtown Julie Brown on Club MTV. (If you are in your 30’s, you’ll know what I am talking about.) I can’t tell you how long we were there, but by the time we left I was tore up from the floor up. I looked like I was ridden hard and put up wet. And I loved every minute of it.

The euphoria I felt that night has gone unsurpassed by anything else. People say sex is better, but that night at Backstreet I experienced Disco Sex! And I must say, I have been chasing that first high ever since. I tried to duplicate it a few weeks after my “first time” and the Atlanta PD caught me and my fake-ID-carrying-ass and put me in handcuffs. They took a picture of me to put on the wall in the entrance and told me not to come back until I was legal. I was mortified. So I went back the night I turned 21. It was a Tuesday night and apparently we turned into a techno culture so I wasn’t feeling it anymore, but at least I tried.

If you have also tasted a bit of the Disco Sex, let me know. Obviously this had a big impact on me. So much so I created the Disco Sex Goddess as a diva icon to rule the dance floor, like a Greek goddess. (I am listening to “Another Night” on you Tube as I type.)

The Otter Royal Crest

Ever since I started Otter in 2005, I have wanted to have our own coat of arms and finally I came up with it. I know the little otter seems to be hiding out up at the top, but that was on purpose. His supporter is a big scary lion and no one is going to mess with a lion. Plus the lion reminds me of the lions in Trafalgar Square in London. They are so massive and just look so regal. I just had to have a big lion guarding my heart and yours.

Otter Diving

This design is very Polynesian to me as in the Polynesian section of “It’s a Small World” at Disney World way. I think it captures the serenity of diving down deep and finding a place of solitude amongst the water and yourself.

Playboy Internationale and Dirty Martini

It’s my own take on James Bond. If I were a secret agent, I would always be in a tuxedo sipping on a martini like an international playboy. It would probably be a sour apple martini, but nonetheless I would be fabulous and I would always get the prize. Is there a 008? If not, I would like to take that spot.

Cock Capital

I have to give props to my good friend Brandon for giving me this idea. I was in my office one day and I get an email from him saying there were more cocks in Gainesville, Georgia than anywhere in the world. I died. I would never expect the word cock to come out of his mouth so this was shocking. Well he backed it up with an article to prove that Gainesville is known as the Cock Capital of the world. See I don’t make this shit up. People think Georgia is this ass-backwards place but it isn’t. Well, there is a Butts county in Georgia, but I’ll touch that one later.

So there you have it- the actual ideas or thoughts behind the new collection of Otter tees. It isn’t a scientific formulation on how we come up with our ideas. They just evolve. I hope you like them and I hope you wear yours with pride knowing the story behind them. If you come up with your own story, let me know ( because I want to know about it. Every shirt we have has a story. If you want to know about others, just ask me. This is my world. I am happy to share.

Take care Otters and I will catch up with you soon.


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Welcome Otters!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Joshua, Josh, or J. -whatever you want to call me, just call me. I tried for many years to be called Joshua and I give up. Every time I introduce myself as Joshua, the other person inevitably says, "Nice to meet ya' Josh!". So I will throw in the towel on that one. [Back to the topic] A few years ago I started to sell my tee shirt designs and attempt to get my perspective across to the world. It all started one night when my bf called me an Otter. I thought it was a term of endearment and wanted to immortalize it by naming my clothing line Otter. I get asked why I named the line Otter a lot. I really like the name. I mean Kimora has Baby Phat, why is it such an oddity for me to have Otter. After starting the company I discovered that there are a ton of men who label themselves as otters. I had no idea. I am not sure if I truly fit in the category, but I think it it is so cool. There are whole websites devoted to otters out there and I love discovering them.

What it all comes down to is personality. I have been fortunate to travel the world and meet so many people. What I have noticed is that most of the people I resonate with are all outgoing, fun, confident people that can talk about everything or nothing and just enjoy life. To me, that is the Otter point of view. Life is enjoyable. We should all be happy and we should all respect each other. Don't get me wrong, I can be a catty S.O.B. sometimes. Okay, a lot of the time, but deep down I love life and I enjoy meeting people and hearing their stories.

I have been so amazed at the amount of positive feedback I have gotten from our customers. I get emails and chat online with tons of Otters everyday. Everyone is so positive and fun. So being at work is not work at all for me. It is a social activity and one the I enjoy immensely.

Right now we are getting ready for the holidays. You've probably noticed some changes to the website. We have 15 new tee shirts coming in. A bunch of new jewelry and my latest creation - the Jock Soap line of skin and hair care products. Back in the day I used to work in cosmetics so this was my chance to bring you guys awesome products to get you looking your absolute best even before you put your clothes on. See, I am always thinking about you...naked! ;-)

Hopefully you have participated in the Otter Nation Forum and Chat Room (available on If not, get on over there and join up. I'll be there and so will a lot of my friends. (When you start up a business, you have to get your friends enlisted somehow.) Don't worry, those sites are not about selling anything. They are just places for Otters to get together and they are free to join.

I am going to blog regularly to keep you up to date on what's going on at Otter as well let you know what I am working on. I have my hands in many pots so there's normally lots to share. Just don't get mad at me for punctuation and spelling because I just go with the flow.

I don't want this to be a boring blog either. I have done plenty of those. So if you have questions or you want me to speak to something, just email me at I am serious. A lot of my ideas come from conversations with fellow Otters, so keep in touch.