Saturday, May 23, 2009

We're Still Here

Hey there Otters.

I am writing to tell all of you how sorry I am for being a little absent from our sites. As many of you know who see me on facebook and Twitter, I have been spending time in my new part-time home in Newark, New Jersey so I have been a little hard to track down.

I heard that there are rumors that we are closing down and stuff like that, but it's not true. In fact just the opposite. Charlie and I have been talking daily trying to work out our new sexy underwear. We are also working on our new tee shirt designs and of course, more jewelry. I have been spending a lot of time on my Jock Soap line developing more products and too be honest that has taking a lot of time and energy. We have 11 new Jock Soap products coming out over the next few months. It's so exciting.

So I have been traveling and Charlie has been traveling also filming new episodes of Bump. And this coming week he's coming to Atlanta for the Out on Film Festival where they will be doing a screening of our film Mulligans. If you are in Atlanta, come by and see us at Outwrite on May 30th at 1pm where Charlie will be signing copies of the book based on Mulligans. The film will be shown at the Plaza Theater on Ponce de Leon at 7:30 that night.

BTW- if you missed my interview on Sirius Out Q's Derek and Romaine show May 12th, you can listen to it in the "Press" section on I love going up to New York and hanging with Derek, Romaine, Greg and Sam. They are such big supporters of Otter, that it is a love fest and I love it.

Anyway, I appreciate your patience as we go through our growing pains. Just know that we are not going anywhere. And we are really working hard to bring you new products this year on all levels.

On a side note, I have to say that all the facebook stuff with the Otters is so much fun. While I was up north these past few weeks I kept pulling out my iphone and showing all the photos from the Otters around the world. Every time I see new pics I just get a big smile across my face. Apparently Amadeus Otter has had some air time on these new episodes of Bump Charlie has been filming!

If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at or on twitter I am joshuaharrell. We all appreciate your support and we are sorry if our absence made you curious.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Otterly Yours,


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