Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Legendary Lovers

I bet this blog title got your attention. It has had mine ever since Charlie and I began talking about creating new pieces for the Otter jewelry collection and basing them around classic gay lovers from the past. I mean we all know about Romeo & Juliet, Samson & Delilah, Captain Smith & Pocahontas and Captain & Tenille, but I will be the first to say Michelangelo and Tommaso De'Cavalieri???I had no clue.

It's time to give some attention to the gay Legendary Lovers of our past. And I have to say if it weren't for Charlie being so knowledgeable on the subject, I wouldn't have known any of them. Well I did know about Oscar Wilde and Lord Alfred Douglas, but who didn't?

The first pieces in the collection are 13 masculine leather cuffs (#13 is "Kissing Otters" that's why it's an odd number). We named each piece after some of the famous significant others of the past to commemorate them and help bring their stories to life. They compliment each other, but they are not identical - just like any good couple. Hopefully you will be inspired to have your own Legendary Love!

There are more pieces to come including rings and bracelets so be on the look out for more.

As always, thank you for all your support. I truly means a lot to all of us at Otter.

Otterly Yours,


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